Recovery Partition Restore

With the C: volume extended, all that is left to do is restore the original recovery partition into the 500MB unallocated space that we left for this purpose.

We must first format the unallocated space and assign a drive letter to it. I did this through the Disk Management tool by selecting the "New Simple Volume" option. I once again assigned X: as the drive letter and formatted it as an NTFS volume.

Disk Management

We use dism again in an elevated command prompt to apply the backed up recovery partition to drive X:

dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:C:\recovery.wim /Index:1 /ApplyDir:X:\

Next we register the recovery tools location.

reagentc /setreimage /path X:\Recovery\WindowsRE reagentc /enable

We then use diskpart to identify and hide the recovery partition.

diskpart DISKPART> select volume X DISKPART> set id=27 DISKPART> remove DISKPART> exit
Finally, we reboot Windows and that's it! We can use the Disk Management tool again to verify all is correct.

Disk Management

I hope you found this information useful and stay tuned for more content to come.